I’m shocked they didn’t mention how Garcia also bet on himself to win. Rumor is 2 million would get you 10 betting on Garcia. Not sure if that’s accurate, but surely betting on yourself to win and then testing positive for steroids provides motive.

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Haney the crybaby. If the fight was close, maybe he would be a legitimate argument. But this was a beat down. The very most he should be asking for is a NC. And I say that only because I have no idea how much Ostarine is a trace or not.

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Hate this from Garcia. Dan, what would you do if you could decide his punishment?

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I wouldn't make any decision until Garcia has a hearing and makes his case, officially gives his side to the commission.

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Great reporting, Dan. That's a very legal argument. I do think Haney should simply have not gone ahead with the bout, they prioritised their financial interests and it backfired.

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Garcia hasn't beaten anyone of note and was absurdly overweight and on peds... how anyone could defend him is unbelievable. And I detest watching haney.

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So much left out of this article. He tested negative for everything 2 weeks before fight. Tested negative for steroids and the levels of ostarine were far to low to do any good. Pathetic

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A) Testing negative before testing positive is irrelevant.

B) The Ostarine levels were, if you read the story, between 35 and 60 times higher than what would be deemed "trace" amounts.

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I've come to the conclusion, Dan, that most boxing fans - at least those most active online - are superstitious. The person you are responding to very likely has already decided there was a Grand Conspiracy of some kind. These types of people can only handle absolute answers, which often don't exist in science and certainly not in complex events.

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if you knew anything about steroids, and clearly you don't, you would know the levels in his system were not even close to levels high enough to help.

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Not only are you wrong but is not relevant if he had a ped in his system.

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look it up Dan, those levels are no where near high enough to help plus it takes longer then 2 weeks even at a high level for osterine to help. all the boxing establishment is butt hurt because Haney lost

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All the evidence is explained in black & white. You are putting your head in the sand,

if you don't belive what Ryan Garcia did was improper? After the 22nd, I fully expect he will get a Deserved suspension!! this sport needs to be cleaned up and one deterent to boxers is a Name Boxer getting a STIFF Suspension. Glad we have a True Journalist to inform the public.

Also Note: Listen to Boxing Writer/historian Tom Houser; who days before the (Haney/Garcia) fight said No NY Commissioner was at the fight-(Rep) and the majority of Boxers are on some illegal substance and do so because they are trying to compete with the KNOWN Cheats that are in the sport....STOP DEFENDING THE FIGHTERS YOU LIKE AND CRUCIFY THE ONES YOU DON'T!!!

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C.j. yelling. Look it up c.j. 60 nanograms is almost nothing. Now stick your head back up haneys ass

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Ha..Ha....Wayne, WHY IS IT IN HIS SYSTEM!!!

That ultimately is the question that Garcia is going to have to answer?

No supplement is going to be the excuse... This will lead to his Supension after the 22nd? Notice Fighters who are Aware of what he attempted to do are NOT coming to his defense?....Now don't let FACTS that are being reported by EXPERTS cloud your vision of being up Garcia ASS!!!

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Got it from a weight loss supplement leading up to fight. 60 nanogtams is 60/billionth of a gram. It's a trace amount that doesn't help anyone. Man that was funny when haney was crawling ass up on the canvas

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