Great card if it all comes together. I very much like Wallin's chances against AJ.

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In case I want to watch it.

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Man let’s hope it comes off what a card

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Sounds like a helluva card. Wonder what the pricepoint will be?

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As in PPV for the customers? Why?

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Not bad matchmaking at all, please put Hrgovic in a competitive tough test type mix. 🥊

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He beat Zhang last August - that was competitive!

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Meh...I had Zhang winning 🤷‍♂️. Ima go ahead n say it, I don't wanna see him with a slow 2nd tier HW in which he is the prohibitive favorite. Hmm could those deep pockets in Ryaid lure Andy Ruiz to ring....theres a test for Hrgo

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Now you see what I meant?

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