Very good fight - respect to both fighters.

The judge who returned the very harsh 118 - 110 scorecard was Pat Russell - who is 75 years old - of course this is far from the first example of him being totally out of step with the other judges.

IMHO the international sanctioning bodies shouldn't allow referees and judges to continue once they've hit 60 - maybe 65 at the very outside - but certainly no world title fights between 60 & 65.

This may seem harsh to some but I'm 60 next month and I don't think it would be sensible to have any boxer's career dependent on my failing eyesight and slowing brain - which are natural processes that happen to all of us.

If it wouldn't be sensible for me at 60 then why would anybody think it sensible for Pat Russell (75), Robert Byrd (78), and others.

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