A point deduction in a technical split decision was the difference in the second fight. Third fight was held in Mexico.

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I’ll never forget it, the Randall-Chavez fight did not start until 12:50 am eastern time that night. I’m happy to this day that I stayed up to watch it on ppv.

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Chavez got his revenge vs Randall.

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These notebooks are 90% of why I subscribe Mr. Raphael, TY. 🔥🔥🔥

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The man puts out great content, I agree. I also like to collect boxing memorabilia, albeit not to the level that Dan does; so I also thoroughly enjoy the Show and Tell segments.

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Shout out to Calix Boxing, who noticed the not so subtle "Splashed on Paint" graphics for Mayer/Ryan 2 fight poster. Was the whole thing a Work? All those security cameras and folks with cell phones. Yet no actual video of the Paint Attack exists. And no one was ever charged. Interesting.

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