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On the co-main event that is co-meal a delicacy that most do not like to ingest all the time another words it gets ignored by most but is much better then the main event. or main course if you like.

Joet is going to take out his frustrations on his so called lose to Dogboy a while back, going to show who is the better man overall on the entire card. Dogboy is a dog i must say, he is a disapointment in the ring had one interesting fight but continued to get attention and chances along with breaks in the ring n with judges. Talked the killer talk a few days ago forget that he is no killer, just average at best. Here little doggie come here boy, that is it bam feel that boy. Ha Ha Got an old man fight on the under under card oh yea. Oli hey Olie pull some power out of your ass and hit Delante in the face a few times make an upset out of it you only have to add one to you four KO accomplishments try it you might like it. Jahi bettere watch out Georgia Nikki going to be in a nasty mood in this fight got nothing to loose in a foreign land. Go for it early Nikki or you will get sent back to Georgia fast.

Enjoy the fights lets hope for blood, some broken bones in the hands cuts odd behaviour after the fights during interviews. Anyhow lets hope the card is better then it looks on paper.

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