Hoping Yerbossynuly will make a quick and full recovery. He fought his heart out, like the warrior he is. It wasn’t very close but the cards are misleading. It was a compelling fight and both fighters were pushed hard. Fingers crossed. If you’re the praying sort, Yerbossynuly could use some.

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He showed heart and was determined but he may pay for it with his life. I have to rewind it bc looked to me like ref could have stopped it when Youri laid on the ropes but took the point and pushed the fight forward. boxing ghoul's will like it until someone see's what it does to a person. It happens ........this is how it happens a fighter is tough and not always for his own good but the ref is there to protect the fighter at all times and not get emotionally caught up in the fight. I will check it again as many will do.....Morrell will never be the same either that is a fact also.

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Agreed that it could’ve been stopped earlier, perhaps the corner should’ve not sent him out, or threw in the towel when he appeared spent. They know him best.

I can’t see a good spot for the ref to definitively stop the fight, but maybe when he took the point he should’ve given him a good look at stopped it then. Clearly he was spent, and had taken a lot of punishment.

Morell may or may not be the same, but this has to weight heavily on him.

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the ref had to know how much punishment the man was taking, the ref had to know he had never gone 12 rounds before. No there was a urge to please first the fight ghouls, second to allow Morell to build a reputaion and get anohter knock out win. When he hung on the ropes he was saying I can not protect myself, when the ref made it clean he was disgusted with a fighter holding the ropes as oppossed to how is he eye can he see, let the doctor look at him, let him do the walk around the ring that refs do these days. Look in his eyes ref Know your fighters and there weaknesses if you ref it thru. Yes the corner should have but corner men often dont do right, it is the man the thrid man in ring who holds all sway....

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I think you’re right. When he was clinging to the ropes for dear life, it may have been exactly that. Usually a ref will find a clear point to stop a fight, but barring that, that was the place to stop it.

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Yea there are some places on the net that you can not even have a sensible conversation about this tradgedy, and it was a tradgedy make no mistake about it the outcome was a tradedy It brings up all that goes wrong in boxing, because boxing anseres to no one this kinda thing happens. I am going a bit far and I think I said it before but here goes...... The announcing team, the referee, and yes the loosing fighters corner all got so caught up in the fight and its signifigence that they did not even look at the fighter as a human being who needed someone in the ring to protect him, not from himself but from the force of a young new face in boxing that can make many people rich. They wanted a beat down to make Morrell have an identity. It may not have been intentional sorta like it was not premeditated but it was obvious. There was no concern for the man getting the beat down. Even after the fight did they not see what was happening did they not have enough decency to wait for a report on the fighter and rec that he was a bad shape. Show put out a pod that I could not listen to they did not mention his condition bc they rushed to celebrate there fighter. There show. We all make mistakes but boxing anseres to no no but boxing. So they will continue on with this and many other acts of greed in pure money hungry acts going thru time. I made a mistake today several but I am not in a situation where someones life is on the line........ You are responsible in that ring to protect the fighter when he can not protect himself. That is how I feel be it from punches or over aggression of announcers and corner people.

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It was a bit of a one sided fight but it was also competitive. I wish the corner would have been inclined to really look at their fighter because he took a lot of punishment. Maybe they did and Yerbossynully wouldn’t quit. But from watching all they did was act like cheerleaders, telling him only to throw more punches and not sensing he was damaged. My biggest question is was his corner - his people or just hired to work corner without an intimate relationship with the fighter. I knew once Yerbo started that rapid blinking he was in dire straits and had an uneasy feeling that he may have a brain bleed. Seen that same reaction a few prior times. God Bless him and hopefully he will recover.

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