I can't say i'm shocked, it is America after all. It has many fine people which makes it sad that a minority want the country as a version of the lawless wild west were they put weapons of war in front of the lives of people and are happy to have scared children in schools that more resemble military prisons. Its extra sad that they ignore the second amendment which was written when the founders wanted a militia led military defence, which obviously became out of date, but they love to ignore the part that says 'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state". The second amendment comes from English Common Law and was heavily shaped by the English Bill of Rights 1689.

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I'm not surprised and I'm not upset at Wilder. We all make mistakes and shi** happens.

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If this was Florida or Texas he would’ve got a ticket for not having enough guns.

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Dear Mr. Wilder. Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. WTF were you thinking? Probably not that he’d get stopped for having tinted windows, but still.

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I don’t live in the US and so it’s difficult to understand the situation regarding guns from here in the UK, however just judging by the media, guns appear really common in the US and just about anyone can own one.

I also think (?) that it’s true that registering a gun in your own state doesn’t register the gun in all states - if you travel with the gun to another state you have to register it in that state - this seems a bit of a chore that could easily be overlooked by even the most genuine and fastidious gun owner, never mind someone who is a bit scatterbrained.

So with the prevalence of guns in US society I’m not really surprised that someone was carrying a gun in the Wilder entourage and I’m not surprised that they hadn’t remembered to register it in that state. On their own, without context, they’re not that bad.

However I would question how Wilder and his associates spend their time, as cruising the streets of a big city in the early hours with tinted windows, with an unregistered gun, and a car registration that can’t be read properly suggests that you are up to no good to say the least.

Wilder and his entourage can have no complaints that the police stopped them and are applying the law strictly because of these circumstances.

Maybe Wilder will reconsider how he lives his life. My perspective from the UK seems to suggest that Wilder regards himself as some sort of gangsta. I may be wrong on that, but it’s hard to draw any other conclusion because of Wilder’s behaviour over several years.

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That is one way to keep your name in the boxing world get arrested for being stupid and pretend you have no rights or were being abused bc you got caught possessing a gun. I wonder how many autographs and screen shots he passed out ? Thanks officers for keeping my name out there, wanna burn one with me in front of the limo. Just how i see it.

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Of all the states for a black man to get pinged for a 9mm, California was the worst one.

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